On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious, or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed? 1977

“Freud established that jokes were structurally akin to dreams in their use of condensation, displacement, representation by opposites, punning and ‘nonsense’. All of these strategies are much in evidence in (Land’s) marvelously duplicitous ON THE MARRIAGE BROKER JOKE… [...] so clever and original a filmmaker as to make most others – not to mention his critics – seem flat-footed by comparison. ON THE MARRIAGE BROKER JOKE harks back to Bunuel’s early work. Not only is it structured like a dream and filled with sexual imagery, but like Un Chien Andalou, it smacks of being an insider’s joke played upon the avant-garde. Where Bunuel used the insights of psychoanalysis to satirize Christianity, Land– with an almost equal perversity – reverses the process and uses Christianity to send up Freud.” – J. Hoberman, American Film

Lucian Freud 1988

For much of his career, Lucian Freud allowed his paintings to speak for themselves, but in 1988 he talked for the first time - to Omnibus - about his work and ambitions.

Freude 2009

Freude is a film trying to mimic a visual orgasm. It’s trying to have sex with your retina.

Freud Under Analysis

It's a model of the expository documentary. The producer, Susanne Simpson, weaves together home movies of Freud and his disciples with comments on his work by today's critics and defenders.

Mother's Meat and Freud's Flesh 1985

Inspired by the early trash films of John Waters, the film stars Estdelacropolis as Demira, a gay porn actor struggling with both his emotionally complicated relationship with his mother Esther and his desire to break out of porn and into mainstream movies. He connects with a Freudian psychiatrist who is convinced that his homosexuality stems from an unresolved Oedipus complex which he has repressed by denying his natural attractions to women, to which the psychiatrist's proposed solution is to hypnotize Esther into believing that she is a man so that men will become the gender that sexually repulses Demira; in his career, he is ambivalent when the first "mainstream" role he is able to land is a gore film in which he will play the victim of a cannibal family for which Esther has also been cast as the mother.

Starring Sigmund Freud

Starring Sigmund Freud is a video memento for Sigmund Freud's little-known film career. Based on an essay John Menick published in Frieze in 2011, the video collects the dozens of appearances that the character of Sigmund Freud has made on small and big screens. After the 1950s, when pill vials replaced analytic couches, the father of psychoanalysis found a second career impersonating himself in everything from a John Huston clunker to a Star Trek episode. The video suggests that maybe it is in front of the camera, alongside surgically enhanced starlets and CGI chimeras, that “Herr Doktor” will find his final resting place. This video was produced by the Kadist Foundation and commissioned by dOCUMENTA (13).

Sigmund Freud's Dora 1979

This key work of the late 1970s, now digitally restored, is a unique attempt to combine contemporary debates around formalism, feminism and psychoanalysis in film. Implicitly engaged in a critical dialogue with filmmakers like Yvonne Rainer and Jean-Luc Godard, as well as the theorists of 'Screen' magazine, Sigmund Freud's Dora is a milestone in the evolution of structuralist film strategies into broader questions of representation.

Freud's Naked Truths 2012

Lucian Freud, the controversial grandson of Sigmund Freud, has been called one of the greatest painters of the 20th century. His extraordinary portraits - of children, lovers, gangsters, supermodels, even the Queen of England - pushed the boundaries of art and broke world records at auction. They also enraged sitters and ended friendships. The royal photographer for The Times of London was so incensed by Freud's picture of the Queen that he said Freud should be thrown from the Tower of London. Freud, who died last summer, was notoriously elusive. Shortly before his death, however, he gave his full backing to this documentary. The film includes the only known footage of him painting on what turned out to be the last day he ever worked.

Freudian Eyebrow 2009

College students are mistreated during a bizarre midnight psychology experiment, led by a german accented proctor.

History and Stories of Psychoanalysis 2016

The film consists mainly of interviews with readers of Freud in Brazil and several places in Europe, and touches on topics such as history, translation, culture, language and, especially, Freud himself.